
Showing posts from March, 2021

EOTO: Five Eyes Alliance

The Five Eyes Alliance arose goes back to WWII and the UKUSA Agreement. Which was officially enacted after the war in 1946. This was originally an intelligence-sharing agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom aimed at gathering and sharing intelligence. By the late 1950s, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand had also joined the Alliance. These five English-speaking countries make up the Five Eyes Alliance as we know it today. The intelligence-sharing agreement between these five countries has only strengthened over time, as it has extended to surveillance of online activity. For many years, this arrangement was a well-kept secret between the five nations. Its existence wasn’t discovered by the public until 2003. Things started to become clearer in 2013 after Edward Snowden exposed the surveillance activities of the US government and allies. These are “5 eyes” surveillance agencies working together to collect and record your activities and they are the Central Intelligen