
Showing posts from April, 2021

My World of Technology: Social Media and More

My View on Technology Technology is our world, it's how we contact with people, or how we get the answer to questions no one seems to know. Technology can be very beneficial and it can be very dangerous, the internet is a place where people can create what they want people to see and think about them. Sometimes I love the internet, and sometimes I hate it. Is my relationship with technology healthy. I would say yes and no. I believe that once you get accustomed to being on social media everyday, it's hard to take a break or even taking a break from your phone. Some may call it FOMO, fear of missing out. It's like when I need a break from school or work, I tend to use my phone and social media to relax. There can be other means of relaxation, such as reading or taking a walk. I feel very attached to my phone, its my source of entertainment. I use my phone to contact and connect with friends and family. I used social media to also stay connected with friends and family that I