
My World of Technology: Social Media and More

My View on Technology Technology is our world, it's how we contact with people, or how we get the answer to questions no one seems to know. Technology can be very beneficial and it can be very dangerous, the internet is a place where people can create what they want people to see and think about them. Sometimes I love the internet, and sometimes I hate it. Is my relationship with technology healthy. I would say yes and no. I believe that once you get accustomed to being on social media everyday, it's hard to take a break or even taking a break from your phone. Some may call it FOMO, fear of missing out. It's like when I need a break from school or work, I tend to use my phone and social media to relax. There can be other means of relaxation, such as reading or taking a walk. I feel very attached to my phone, its my source of entertainment. I use my phone to contact and connect with friends and family. I used social media to also stay connected with friends and family that I

EOTO: Five Eyes Alliance

The Five Eyes Alliance arose goes back to WWII and the UKUSA Agreement. Which was officially enacted after the war in 1946. This was originally an intelligence-sharing agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom aimed at gathering and sharing intelligence. By the late 1950s, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand had also joined the Alliance. These five English-speaking countries make up the Five Eyes Alliance as we know it today. The intelligence-sharing agreement between these five countries has only strengthened over time, as it has extended to surveillance of online activity. For many years, this arrangement was a well-kept secret between the five nations. Its existence wasn’t discovered by the public until 2003. Things started to become clearer in 2013 after Edward Snowden exposed the surveillance activities of the US government and allies. These are “5 eyes” surveillance agencies working together to collect and record your activities and they are the Central Intelligen

Your Privacy Isn't So Private

You should rethink your online privacy. Everything we think may be secure, but what about your privacy do you not know. These days corporations, websites, and social media have so much access to the things we consider PRIVATE. Juan Enriquez and Catherine Crump both discuss privacy in TED Talks. Juan expresses how privacy can be much like a permanent tattoo and Catherine's informative video exposes the dangerous details by which law enforcement by use to track you. What if all the social media you use, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc were all electronic tattoos. They provide information about you, just as a tattoo would. It's more than electronic tattoos, it is also in facial recognition.  You can track people with pictures, and find everything about them. Juan speaks about a company called they have about 18 billion faces online. They were sold to Facebook on June 18, 2012. Companies place cameras and they take pictures and tie them to social media. They use t

Diffusion of Innovations: Trending Social Media

 Diffusion of Innovation is a theory that seeks to explains how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovation; the book was first published in 1962, and now it is in its fifth edition. Roger argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the participants in a social system. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have been the most popular social media apps for the past few years. Most recently, a lot of people have become hip to Tik Tok. Tik Tok blew up at the beginning of a worldwide pandemic forcing people to be at home with their families, high school and college students now attending class virtually. Now that everyone is stuck in the house, on a mandated stay-at-home order. Some people became very early adopters to Tik Tok.  Younger people tend to be early adopters to social media apps and trends, as a way of st

What I learned: The First Text Message

 In 1992 Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old test engineer made texting history when he sent the world's first text to a cell phone. The recipient was Richard Jarvis, who was attending a Christmas party near Vodafone Headquarters in Newbury, England. The text message simply read "Merry Christmas". Later in 1993, Nokia became the first phone maker to support SMS (Short Message Services) messages. One of the first cell phones that could send text was the Nokia 2110.  In 1997 Nokia released the first cell phone featuring a QWERTY keyboard: the 9000i Communicator. In1999 another important milestone in the history of texting was the introduction of cross-network texts. SMS messaging found a new purpose when the TV show. American Idol pioneered "text to vote". Texting has changed the way we communicate. Our generation has adapted to life with iPhones, how readily easy we can get in contact with people and get to know people. Not only can we text via phone, but we can also te

The Creation of Netflix

Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix in 1997. He was an entrepreneur who in 1991 had founded Pure Software, which made tools for software developers. After 1995 IPO and several acquisitions, Pure was acquired by Rational Software in 1997. Marc Randolph is a overturn Silicon Valley entrepreneur, advisor, and investor. As co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix, he laid much of the groundwork for a service that's grown to 150 million subscribers and fundamentally later how the world experience media   For many people, Netflix is our go-to place for movie and TV streaming. Netflix was founded in August of 1997 by two serial entrepreneurs, Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings. The company began out in Scotts Valley, California. Netflix has grown to become one of the world's leading internet entertaining platforms. When Netflix opened it was only a movie rental service. You order movies on the Netflix website and delivered DVDs in the post. Today Netflix streams movies and has more than 151 m

Anti-War and The American Conservative

Do you ever think that the media censors many things, and only lets you see what should be seen? When you read a news article, is the writer completely neutral? Or would they write in a way to persuade you towards the left or the right? Until now, I have never thought about such a thing. In mainstream media, we see why people would want war. Why war would essentially be the best thing for our country. There are two websites that support the Anti-war movement, , and The American Conservative . I believe that you have to seek out articles or websites about Anti-War because War has been something that shaped America. War has lead countries to freedom. The American Conservative has a lot of political information, realism, and restraint. A few articles I came across mentioned Joe Biden's, the impeachment of Donald Trump, and internal affairs. They have articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, and more. The American Conservative seems like a really reliable source. Compared to the