What I learned: The First Text Message

 In 1992 Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old test engineer made texting history when he sent the world's first text to a cell phone. The recipient was Richard Jarvis, who was attending a Christmas party near Vodafone Headquarters in Newbury, England. The text message simply read "Merry Christmas". Later in 1993, Nokia became the first phone maker to support SMS (Short Message Services) messages. One of the first cell phones that could send text was the Nokia 2110. 

In 1997 Nokia released the first cell phone featuring a QWERTY keyboard: the 9000i Communicator. In1999 another important milestone in the history of texting was the introduction of cross-network texts. SMS messaging found a new purpose when the TV show. American Idol pioneered "text to vote". Texting has changed the way we communicate. Our generation has adapted to life with iPhones, how readily easy we can get in contact with people and get to know people. Not only can we text via phone, but we can also text on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. To me text can become my number way of communicating, we can contact people while on the move. It can be quicker than stopping and calling someone that you may need to get in contact with. The word "texting" was added to the dictionary in 2010. The number of text messages sent worldwide reached 6.1 trillion that year roughly 1,000 messages per person. In 2013, we are introduced to Internet-based mobile messaging such as Facebook Messanger, WhatsApp, iMessage, and Viber caught up with SMS in terms of overall popularity. The future of SMS had widened, SMS messages are already being used to ask for feedback, delivery notifications, carry out security authorizations, confirm appointments, and much more. SMS is increasingly growing and becoming a large way of life.



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