Six Freedoms of the First Amendment and Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. While there are specific organizations like the Black Lives Matter Global Network that labels themselves simply as "Black Lives Matter", the Black Lives Matter movement comprises a broad array of people and organizations. They are using their platform to protest and speak out on the injustice, police brutality, and the killing of innocent African-American men and women.

Under the first amendment, we have 6 clauses or freedoms. Our freedom of speech is one of the six freedoms. Speech is protected by The First Amendment. However, the first amendment does not condone violence. Through protesting, people have taken violent action against communities such as looting and breaking into stores, and rioting throughout the city. The police and government can not take away your freedom of speech. The government can't silence you. They are protesting for a valuable cause, and they should be heard. The violence can only make things worse, with the violence come more reasons to protest. People are getting shot, beaten, and/or killed once violence is among the protestors. I do not believe that the Black Lives Matter organization is for violence, they are only doing what they can to make their voices heard. The thin line between protected and unprotected actions can quickly be crossed and lead to a worse situation.


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