Apple News is one of the top 5 new sources that I use. It is my most used a reliable source. Apple News consist of many different media outlets. I follow CNN, The Washington Post, ESPN, Time, BuzzFeed News, USA Today, and Many more. I like Apple News because you can set notifications, and you will be alerted when news articles are posted. You will always get the latest, and fastest news. The filter news articles based on your favorite channels and/or topics. Also, you can keep track of COVID-19 locally and nationwide. You can also follow your local new stations/outlet on Apple News and stay updated. I would recommend Apple News to anyone because the app comes with all iPhones, and you are able to customize Apple News with New Outlets you like. Even catering to all your interest in politics, sports, food and entertainment.

Twitter is another news source that I use, not as often as Apple News definitely number 2. I like Twitter because you can follow media/news outlets and you can retweet articles and you are able to post articles from other new outlets. Twitter offers a 'What's Happening' sections where I can find different new on Sport, Entertainment, COVID-19, US Elections, and any Trending News. When you see News Articles on Twitter you are also able to see the news updates, tweets, and videos from the profile. I would recommend Twitter, because a lot of people are already using twitter to stay connect, and you can also use it to stay connected with news and media. You can directly connect with your favorite sources.

Although Facebook is mostly used for connecting with family and friends. It can be a quick and easy way to get news. I am able to keep up with news that my Facebook friends post also. Just like Twitter, I am able to follow news outlets, and view breaking news live via Facebook. I do not use Facebook as my main source of news, but I do follow story and information posted. I also follow my local new page, for events and breaking news. I recommend Facebook to my peers, you can use the social media site that you have easy access to in the palm of your hand. You can even share and educate others.

Instagram is the source I use for News on Celebrities, Musicians, Hip Hop and Culture. I follow a lot of celebrities, rappers, and models. Instagram is the platform a lot of them use to connect with their followers. It is an easy way for people of my generation to express themselves, and well as using it as a platform of awareness. Instagram was very influential during the election, like most social media outlets. During times like the election and COVID-19 you can follow hashtags and other social media accounts. I follow the CDC for more COVID-19 new updates, as well as ABC News for all news and information.I recommend Instagram, even though you can't directly get new. You can follow pages and get direct, quick and easy updates from those pages, especially news and entertainment.

Tik Tok has been very popular recently, and with that a lot of people use their tik tok platform to inform people and educate them. Tik Tok is not my main source of news. When I do come across an informing video on my For You Page, or such. I will use that information and fact check it based on the other new outlets that I use. Tik Tok can be mostly sources of people's opinions, I make sure to be mindful of the information I am using or getting from Tik Tok. I recommend Tik Tok to the younger generation, there are people on Tik Tok using there account to educate and inform their followers. Everything may not be factual, but I recommend taking the time out to double check the information as I do when I found things on Tik Tok.


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