Eight Values of Free Expression: Check on Governmental Power

Each of the eight values of free expression shapes the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. They each explain why free expression is important and explain our rights. The Value of Expression that stood out to me the most was the Check on Governmental Power. It explains how the freedom of the press enables citizens to learn about the abuses of power. If we feel moved about the abuse at the ballot box, we should do something about it. We, along with the press are apart of the checks and balances system to restrain the government power and abuse of power. We, as citizens are able to hold the government accountable. We have the right, to know our rights. Checks and Balances were developed to ensure that no one branch of government would become too powerful. The U.S Constitution built a system that divides power between the three branches of government;  legislative, executive, and judicial. Each includes various limits and controls on the power of each branch.

Voter fraud has become a huge issue in the United States, especially in the 2016 presidential election. The Heritage Foundation article titled "News Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election" states that in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegally duplicate votes from people who registered and voted in more than one state. It found that 8,471 votes in the 2016 election were "highly likely" duplicates. The institute also found more than 15,000 voters registered at prohibited addresses such as post office boxes, UPS stores, federal post offices, and public buildings.  In some cases, more than 100 voters were registered to the same UPS store location. They also found voters whose registered addresses were gas stations, vacant lots, abandoned mill buildings, basketball courts, parks, warehouses, and office buildings. The fact that these election officials did not want to thoroughly investigate possible voter fraud illustrates one of the problems in this area. Too many election officials don't want to know about these problems and refuse to do anything when it is brought to their attention. As American people, we should be able to hold the government accountable and protect voter rights. Voter registration should be taken seriously, I believe that in the 2020 election things were handled differently. In the past, we have seen so many ways that the government uses its power to the best of it' ability. We need to speak out and protect ourselves, we need to learn about our rights. Use our freedom of speech to bring awareness.




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